Citizens guide to the 41A District Courts in Shelby & Sterling Heights


41A District Courts: Locations in Shelby Township & Sterling Heights

Macomb County’s 41A District Courts

There are 2 divisions of the 41A District Court in Macomb County which are geographically located directly next to each other but which cover distinctly different geographical regions of Macomb County and each operates under its own set of rules and policies. The fact that they have the same name and that they both come up on searches for the 41A District Court does cause some confusion. Hopefully, this article will settle it once and for all that there are TWO courts called the 41A District Court and what you can expect if you have legal business in these separate and distinct jurisdictions. 41A District Court locations and contact info:

41-A1 District Court, Sterling Heights Division

41-A2 District Court, Shelby Division

Geographical Coverage Map of Macomb County District Courts

The jurisdictional boundaries of the 41A District Courts are expansive. The Sterling Heights division has jurisdiction over the entire city of Sterling Heights from 14 Mile Road to Hall Road. Sterling Heights has its own police department. The Shelby Township division covers a much larger geographical area which includes all of Shelby Township, Macomb Township and the City of Utica. The Shelby division is policed by the Shelby Township Police and the City of Utica Police. Macomb Township employs the Macomb County Sheriff Department for police services as it does not have its own police force. The image below provides a map of the geographical areas covered by each Macomb County District Court:


Types of Cases Handled in the 41A District Courts

Michigan’s district courts have jurisdiction to handle traffic, criminal and civil proceedings. There are certain limitations to the power the district court has over civil and criminal proceedings.

  • Misdemeanor criminal jurisdiction: The district courts have complete jurisdiction of misdemeanors from arrest warrant, arraignment through trial and sentencing.
  • Felony criminal jurisdiction: The district courts have limited jurisdiction over felony matters which includes arrest warrant, arraignment, probable cause conference and preliminary examination. Felony cases that are not resolved in the district court are moved to the circuit court following a probable cause conference or preliminary examination.
  • Traffic jurisdiction: The  district courts have complete jurisdiction to dispose of traffic matters to their conclusion or final decision.
  • Civil proceedings: The district courts have jurisdiction over civil matters not to exceed $25,000.00. Civil proceedings is excess of $25,000.00 are filed and heard in the circuit courts.

Misdemeanors, felonies and traffic matters are initiated in the district court. Criminal cases are initiated in the court system with an arrest warrant or appearance ticket. For all felonies and most misdemeanors, an arraignment is held in the district court to advise an individual of the charges and to set bond and bond conditions.

Some of the more common criminal matters that are handled in the 41A District Courts include:

What can be expected if I am charged with a crime in the 41A District Courts?

Those with business in the 41A District Courts can expect to be treated fairly by elected judges are compassionate and that will bend over backwards to give an individual a break. The 41A District Courts in both Sterling Heights and Shelby Township utilize all of the statutory first offender programs to facilitate dismissals, including all of the following programs:

Felony cases: If you get charged with a felony, it starts out in the district court. If you get your felony reduced to a misdemeanor, you AVOID A FELONY RECORD and it remains in the district court. Talk to a local experienced criminal defense lawyer to find out how this is even possible.

Drunk driving: If you  are charged with driving under the influence (OWI, OWI with high BAC, etc.) in the 41A District Courts, you are not looking at jail or losing your license for a first offense. Getting a local attorney to fight for the best outcome is your best bet if you are facing a charge for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There are many discretionary components of a drunk driving sentence  including: community service, immobilization of vehicle, random testing for alcohol and drugs, reporting or non-reporting probation. Some of these conditions can be avoided by strategic legal planning beforehand.

Traffic tickets: The court clerks are not authorized to give legal advice. They will not tell you that you can fight a traffic ticket arising in Sterling Heights, Shelby Township, Macomb Township or Utica and get it amended to an offense that carries NO POINTS and will NOT BE ABSTRACTED on your driving record. As we say, it is a wise investment to fight every traffic ticket.

Expungements of old crimes and drunk driving: The 41A District Courts have embraced Michigan’s Clean Slate law and are eager to grant expungements to those that are eligible. In addition, for the first time ever, effective February 19, 2022, an individual may file for expungement of a conviction for OWI, Impaired Driving or Super Drunk Driving. When you get a case expunged, you can say: I have never been convicted of a crime!

Probation Departments of the 41A Districts in Sterling Heights & Shelby 

The district courts in Michigan (including the 41-A Districts) have jurisdiction to handle all aspects of a misdemeanor offense (arraignment, trial, sentence). A misdemeanor is defined as an offense which can carry up to 1 year in jail. If the offense carries a penalty greater than 1 year, it is classified as a felony. Probation may be imposed for a maximum period of 2 years for a misdemeanor. When probation is required, it may be ordered to be REPORTING or NON-REPORTING. Non-reporting is always preferred. However, an individual is placed on reporting probation will be required to check in/report with a probation officer at predetermined intervals (monthly, bi-weekly). A motion can be filed to modify probation as explained below.

Probation violations and motions to modify probation

As the Michigan statute says ( MCL 771.4): All probation orders are revocable but revocation of probation, and subsequent incarceration, should be imposed only for repeated technical violations, for new criminal behavior, or upon request of the probationer. Hearings on the revocation must be summary and informal and not subject to the rules of evidence or of pleadings applicable in criminal trials.

Probation violations can result in jail time and the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer is essential. Upon being found guilty of violating probation, the Judge can sentence a person to the maximum remaining jail time which has not been served. Failure to comply with any of the conditions of probation will lead to a probation violation hearing and possible termination of probation and jail. Here are a few scenarios that can result in a probation violation:

  • Getting charged with another crime
  • Failing to report as directed
  • Leaving the State of Michigan without permission
  • Missing or failing a drug or alcohol test
  • Failure to pay fines/costs
  • Failure to attend counseling

If you have been compliant with probation (no violations, completed all programs, paid all fines), you may be eligible to file a motion to terminate or modify probation. In filing a motion to terminate or modify probation, you will want to give your attorney proof that you completed any programs, community service and paid all fines and costs. If you intend to file a motion to modify or terminate probation, our firm recommends that you wait until you have served 50% of your probation term. To get the case before the Judge at the half way point, we would recommend that you get started a few weeks beforehand with your lawyer.

Get Your Life Back on Track

You can stop worrying the moment you hire attorneys with more than 40 years’ experience in every Metro Detroit Court. Most cases are never as bad as you think. Did you know that more than 90% of all criminal cases are resolved without trial? Furthermore, first time offenders and those with only minor or older prior convictions rarely see a single day of jail and have a good chance to get a criminal case or drunk driving reduced or dismissed.

ABDO LAW has the best reviews and ratings and has been around longer than most criminal defense firms in Michigan. Give us a call if you or a loved one is facing a misdemeanor, felony, or drunk driving case anywhere in Macomb County and let us provide you with a winning a plan to get your life back on track.

Same Day Office Visits, Jail Visits & Weekend Appointments

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