
Articles Posted in can a domestic violence be dismissed? am i getting jail for domestic violence?


38th District Court (Eastpointe) & 39th District Court (Roseville/Fraser): Neighboring Jurisdiction for DUI, Felonies, Misdemeanors and Traffic Offenses

MAP OF MACOMB COUNTY DISTRICT COURTS In 2019, Over 8,000 crimes reported in the cities of Eastpointe, Fraser and Roseville Eastpointe and Roseville Courts: Bulging Criminal, Drunk Driving and Traffic Dockets The 38th District Court (known as the Eastpointe Court) and the 39th District Court (known as the Roseville Court),…


Public Policy Reasons Make it Difficult to Get Domestic Violence Cases Dismissed

This blog is long overdue. In this blog I will attempt to explain the reasons that make it so difficult to get a domestic violence dropped or dismissed. The Prosecutor Represents the People of Michigan or Municipality Where the Offense Occurred First of all, it is important to understand that…


When a Misdemeanor Assault or Domestic Violence Case Escalates to a Felony Charge

ABC’s of Assault and Domestic Violence Cases In Michigan, the crimes of “assault and battery” or “domestic violence/assault” are classified as misdemeanor offenses, or minor criminal offenses. The offense of “assault and battery” means that the defendant made intentional (non-accidental) physical contact with another person and without consent to do…

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